CBS James’s Street


Our school is lucky to be one of only 30 secondary schools in the country that has a well-stocked JCSP library, with a full-time professionally qualified librarian working as a support for students and teachers. Picture 3.png

Picture 5.pngThe library is open outside of school hours and students have weekly library classes where we run literacy programmes and have lots of reading fun!

Our Virtual Library

This is our Virtual Library, where students can access all our online resources. Almost everything is clickable and can guide students to various books, resources, competitions, and library news.


The library has a large collection of resources to provide for the mental health and wellbeing of our students. We have a cosy Read Your Mind corner, a Rainbow section, and other fun resources like musical instruments, knitting, board games, art materials and Lego.

LiteracyPicture 6.png

The library is a creative active learning space. We run the Accelerated Reader programme and the IXL English programme, and we have dyslexia-friendly and SEN resources, resources to learn English as an additional language, literacy and vocabulary programmes, and numeracy initiatives.

The library offers free access to students and their families to a digital library, SORA, where they can borrow thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, read-along books, comics, and books in various languages.

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Winners! Picture 8.png

We regularly award prizes for effort in reading and also reward students for reaching their individual reading targets. We Won the 2021 SORA School Stars award for Best in Social Media for the library’s online efforts during homeschooling. Our librarian, Lorna Vogelsang, was then invited to speak at the international Digipalooza’21 Conference about our school’s winning entry.

This was our winning project: Vote With Your Fingers.

We are a Team

The library runs a highly successful Library Assistant programme, where students can apply to help out in the library and be trained in the systems and operation of the library. They also help out at events and review and recommend books. Picture2.png


Apr 11
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
School Reopens
May 05
School Closed (Bank Holiday)
Jun 27
Summer Holidays
Basin Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland
01 454 7756
© 2025 CBS James’s Street