CBS James’s Street

Principal's Welcome


My name is Pauline Queally and as principal I feel privileged to lead CBS James's Street. I hold an honours Masters in Leadership and Management in Education from Trinity College Dublin.

Over the years, I have held many leadership roles, including Deputy Principal, Acting Principal and Principal in two other schools. I am passionate about the leading of teaching and learning. I have worked for the PDST as a Local Facilitator and I have a great interest in methodologies and differentiation.

Central to my philosophy of education is the integral role of pastoral care in fostering the students' self-esteem, enabling them to fulfill their full potential. We have a very close partnership with our Parents/ Guardians and Community. As an Edmund Rice School we strive to educate the whole person spiritually, emotionally and academically. I thank each of our parents/guardians for entrusting your child to us for the next five or six years.

Ms. Queally, Principal

Apr 11
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
School Reopens
May 05
School Closed (Bank Holiday)
Jun 27
Summer Holidays
Basin Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland
01 454 7756
© 2025 CBS James’s Street