CBS James’s Street

Transition Year

Transition Year

Transition Year Programme 2021/22

In James St CBS we run a very successful and popular TY programme. This year has seen a busy time for our TY’s, we started the year with a trip to Naas racecourse for a TY roadshow, which we all enjoyed in the beautiful sunshine. We ran our very successful fishing course again this year where we had two trips to Lough Ramor, Co. Cavan, lots of skills were picked up and many fish caught! The students gained vast knowledge and life skills during our two-week work experience in November. In December we had outings such as a comedian in The Laughter Lounge and the cinema. We are currently enjoying our boxing programme, training in St. Catherines Gym and hopefully some will reach the finals in the National Stadium. We also have lots to look forward to, such as our driving course and end of year trip!

Transition YearTransition YearTransition YearTransition Year
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
School Reopens
May 05
School Closed (Bank Holiday)
Jun 27
Summer Holidays
Basin Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland
01 454 7756
© 2025 CBS James’s Street